Protein and Supplements: What to Get

In a previous article, we discussed working out at home and getting the most out of limited equipment. Along with a good diet and drinking plenty of water, this lifestyle you created should end up in fat loss and muscular gains. But as simple as that formula is, it’s not the end of it as recovery and injury prevention is another key component.


Protein is a mass or muscle building element needed to improve your overall health. Vitamins, amino acids and “good” fats are other natural supplements to aid you in your workout recovery, cardio-vascular fitness and injury prevention. Altogether, these supplements are perfect ways to replace meals, up your immunity to sickness and get more mass.


Protein powder: The majority of protein powder to buy and the best suggested is whey protein. As stated, they come in powder form and are usually consumed in liquid form (shake). But in addition to that, protein powder, especially flavored ones, can be added to oatmeal for added sweetness. The primary use of protein is for muscle growth and recovery. It is a building agent for muscle growth and cellular recovery in the joints. Muscle training is much needed in order to lose weight.


Fish oils and amino acids: These natural supplements come from fish and other organic sources like plants, trees, vegetables, etc. Not only do they recovery post workout but they are daily dietary supplements whether not you are in training or not. The mostly widely used form of fish oil is pills. It is recommended for lowering blood pressure and preventing heart disease. As for amino acids, there are plenty to choose from but for weight loss L-Arginine is a good choice. And for joint and muscle recovery, L-Carnitine in powder form is best.


The choices provided here are just good starters for you when beginning your workout journey. As you go on, listen to your body and find out what works best for you. Start researching and experimenting with protein and supplements. There is no “magic bullet” in losing weight or gaining muscle, so find your way.


Image credit: juanstermonster on Flickr


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